Friend Finder


New PTc..
Per klik : $0.01
Per ref klik : $0.005
Payout : PayPal dan AlertPay, minimal $3

Register here :

Get bonus $0.3/100 klik you made.
Bonus only via PayPal.

Contact me :
Yahoo : citracool22
ICQ : 475859032

Scour - Searching Dibayar

Mesin Google memang memanjakan. Kadang sampai membawa kita tak mau tahu dengan hasil pencarian di mesin lain. Yahoo!, MSN misalnya. Padahal kita juga butuh mereka. Masih ingat dengan petuah "jangan menaruh telur di keranjang yang sama"?, petuah ini juga mestinya membuat kita harus berjaga untuk tetap mempertahankan posisi web atau blog kita di mata mesin pencari. Jangan sampai deh kita menemui keadaan dimana Google memblokade blog kita. Walhasil kita jadi terhenyak dan kerepotan memulai untuk mencari penggantinya.

Nah, untuk itu, kita mesti tak boleh menutup mata dengan mesin pencari lain. Salah satu keuntungan melakukan kegiatan ini adalah, kita jadi akan lebih sadar akan posisi blog yang kita punya di ragam pencarian yang berbeda. Terkadang boleh saja postingan atau blog kita kalah posisi oleh saingan kita di hasil pencarian Google, namun siapa sangka bila ternyata hasil pencarian di Yahoo! atau MSN lebih baik. Dengan begitu kita bisa menterjemahkan posisi, mengelola kelemahan dan juga mengatur ritme keyword di mesin pencari yang hendak dituju.

Ini adalah hasil pencarian dengan kata kunci "panen iklan", sesuatu yang pernah diulas di edittag beberapa hari lalu. Melihat hasilnya, ada angka-angka istimewa nih. Pencarian di Scour menempatkan postingan edittag di posisi 5. Bila digeser ke kanan, ada dua angka 5 muncul disana. Salah satunya dekat ikon Google, satu lagi ikon Yahoo!. Artinya? postingan edittag ada di posisi 5 di Google dan 5 di Yahoo! untuk kata kunci yang sama (padahal mestinya postingan edittag di posisi 2 di Google loh : dibawah sendiri!).

Tapi tak mengapalah, kini edittag makin tahu posisi di mesin pencari yang berbeda. Tinggal merumuskan langkah berikutnya. Beberapa hal yang membuat scour direkomendasikan adalah :

- Adanya fitur Voting dan Komentar
- Ini yang menguntungkan, terutama buat yang doyan dapat poin dan reward dalam bentuk uang : dapat poin dan bisa ditukar dengan Visa Gift Card!

Bentuknya memang kurang familiar, namun bila mendapat point 6,500 sama artinya kita bakalan mendapat $25. Mau tahu bentuk pendapatan riilnya? gabung saja ke member citracool biar citracool bisa segera mendapatkannya

Klik di : SINI

Domain gratis

Yang mau domain tapi belum punya cukup uang, sekarang bisa dapat domain gratis, silashkan klik banner dibawah
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Dapat Debit Card Gratis dari FriendFinder

Hanya dengan daftar disini, Anda bisa mendapatkan kartu debit gratis keluaran dari Bank Royal Scotland. Kartu tersebut sangat berguna untuk verified paypal, pengambilan uang dari penghasilan Anda di situs ini atau afiliasi yg lainnya di seluruh ATM didunia yg ada logo mastercardnya.

Anda tidak perlu kwatir kartu tsb legal, aman dan terpercaya dan yg paling penting gratis. Nah bagaimana cara memperoleh kartu tsb dan memperoleh penghasilan disini ? Bacalah baik-baik dan ikuti langkah-langkahnya.
Langkah Pertama Daftar dulu: KLIK DISINI
Lalu klik Join Now
Isilah data-data Anda dg lengkap.
I am a : Man jika Anda laki-laki, Woman jika Anda perempuan
Interested in meeteng a : Man jika ingin mencari/berteman dg laki-laki, woman dg perempuan, atau bisa Anda pilih dua-duanya.
For : Friendship (berteman), Dating (ketemuan), Serious relationship (hubungan serius), Marriage (menikah), bisa Anda pilih lebih dari satu, pilih semuanya juga bisa.
Birthdate : Tanggal lahir Anda.
Country : Negara Anda.
Zip/Postal code : Kosongkan saja, jika Anda berada selain di Amerika ( US only )
Email Address : Isikan email Anda
Username : username Anda antara 4 sampai 16 karakter
Lalu klik Click Here and Have Fun
Setelah itu Anda masuk ketahap berikutnya.
City : Kota tempat tinggal Anda
Closest City: Sama seperti diatas
State: Propinsi Anda
Your Height : Tinggi Anda
Your Body Type : Tipe badan Anda
Your Race : Ras Anda atau suku Anda biasanya kalau Indonesia adalah Asia
Marital Status : Status pernikahan Anda
Your Religion : Agama Anda
Your Education : Pendidikan terakhir Anda
Your Occupation : Pekerjaan Anda misal: Staff office, jika Anda pegawai, Business jika Anda pengusaha dll.
Introduction Title : Judul tentang diri Anda, misal : I am a good Man atau I like Travelling, dll minimum 10 karakter
Tell others about yourself : Ceritakanlah tentang diri Anda, misalnya: I am a good women, I like travelling and my hobby reading, computer, sports, and others, i love new friend men or women, buatlah suka-suka Anda, minimumnya 50 karakter.
Jika Anda sudah memiliki foto uploadlah foto Anda, klik browse lalu carilah file yg berisi foto Anda. Jika Anda belum punya fota bisa Anda kosongkan dulu, nanti dikemudian hari bisa Anda isi kembali.
Setelah itu klik Click to Join. Maka akan ada email masuk di email anda.
Setelah itu bukalah email Anda, lalu klik Activate Now
Maka Anda sudah diaktivasi, jika Anda ingin login isilah dg username dan password yg ada di email Anda.

Setelah itu keluarlah dulu, dengan klik log out.

LANGKAH KEDUA: klik untuk membuat affiliasi sumber dollarnya.
Klik pada Menu : Affiliates
Lalu klik Affiliate Signup.
Isilah data-data tsb dg benar.
Preferred Program: Pilihlah no 1
First Name: Nama pertama Anda
Last Name: Nama akhir Anda
URL: Website/blog Anda, wajib Anda isi, jika Anda belum punya isi saja dengan, tapi ini hanya untuk sementara nanti bisa Anda ganti.
Desired Password : Password yg Anda inginkan
Preferred Newsletter Language: English
Email Address: Masukkan email Anda
Secondary Email Address: Email Anda yg lain, boleh juga dikosongkan
Checks Payable To: Nama lengkap Anda sesuai KTP
Street Address: Alamat Anda sesuai KTP
City: Kota tempat tinggal Anda
State/Province: Provinsi tempat Anda tinggal
Country: Negara Anda
ZIP/Postal Code: Kode Pos kota Anda
What is your business tax classification? Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja
Tax ID or Social Security Number: Kosongkan saja karena untuk warga Amerika saja
Phone Number: No telp Anda, misalnya no telp Anda: 021 1234567 maka buat 6221 1234567 atau no hp Anda 081xxxxx maka buat 6281xxxxx.( harus pakai kode 62, yaitu kode telphone Indonesia)
Which Instant Messenger do you use? Pilih saja None
Use ePassporte : Pilih saja No
Please give us your comments: Buatlah komentar Anda misalnya: Heloo. I like it. Thank You,
Setelah itu klik Click Here for the Last Step
Lalu klik kotak kecil yg ada tulisan
Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement, ……..
Lalu klik Submit.
Setelah itu klik Account Information
Lalu klik yg warna biru di tulisan Here is your account information. Click here to update your information.
klik Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard®.You will be directed to a FriendFinder page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card.
Lalu isilah data-data Anda di Payoneer tsb, setelah Anda Isi tunggulah kira-kira 20 hari kartu Anda sampai di rumah Anda, setelah kartu debit Anda sampai lalu aktivasilah ikuti petunjuk yg ada disurat yg dikirim bersama dg kartu Anda. Nah gampangkan..
Hanya dg menjadi member FrindFinder Anda bisa dapat kartu debit dari payoneer, kalau Anda langsung daftar di payoner Anda tidak bisa mendapatkannya karena country untuk Indonesia tidak ada.
Lihatlah kembali email Anda, disana Anda akan diberikan username dan password untuk affiliate. Login sebagai member dg login sebagai affiliate itu beda.
Dengan gabung di affiliate FriendFinder Anda juga sudah gabung dg kroni-kroninya FrindFinder, byk sekali ternyata, ada adultfrindfinder dll, memang situs ini berbau porno tapi kita hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja. Saya tidak mengajak Anda untuk berporno ria, tapi hanya mengambil manfaatnya saja, yaitu kartu debit dan dolarnya.OK?

The E-currency Money Forum

Here is new Paid to Post
you can make money by POST something. But remember, you cannot spamming or you will be banned.
Exchange Rate :
- 1 Credit : $1

Minimal payout : $10
Payout by : PayPal and ECU Money


ECU Money - Payment Processor offered by Private New Zealand Bank

Received this email this morning:


You are receiving this information on the behalf of an Investment Club you are a Member. We will not contact you anymore about this matter, unless you directly request it. Thank you.


In terms of e-commerce, the last few years already anticipated the feeling of the current financial crash: Starting with stormpay, 1mdc, e-gold and finally e-bullion, the major e-currencies one by one failed to proof what they both promised: Reliability, stability, legality!

Not a single one of the so called big players in the past and present time meets the requirements to provide a longstanding business, together with the respect of privacy and with the highest security standards that everyone is used to get in the banking business.

ECUmoney Limited is the FIRST international Private Bank that attends to combine the legality and safety of banking business with the respect of your online privacy. Based in a country known to be very respectable, ECUmoney Limited meets every requirement necessary to guarantee a safe, easy and secure worldwide online business.

Our outstanding security features are ready to set new standards in the e-currency business, while providing the best comfort to merchants and customers at the same time.

When paying with cash is not possible, ECU will soon be known as the best alternative!

*** Special Opening ***

To create a network of Trusted Clients, every new Client (Individual or Corporate *) who makes his ECU account verified, Silver or Gold level, will receive $20 into his account.
(*) This does not apply to Exchangers

ECU is offered by ECUmoney Limited, a New Zealand Private Bank

I checked the website, and they seems to be really good I opened & verified an account with them, the verification was very fast (less than 5 hours).

What do you think about this e-currency? Seems to have great potential.

Numox - New Payment Processor

A new e-currency by the name of NUMOX has recently been introduced to the world market and it’s already making headway in the industry. By combining traditional payment methods with bank-level security and total privacy, consumers are finding NUMOX to be a welcomed addition to the e-currency marketplace.

While NUMOX may be a free service, that’s where the similarities with its competitors end. NUMOX is fully offshore operated and backed 100% by gold and risk-free financial securities. And a global payment system means that the service is available to anyone with an e-mail address.

“We’ve listened to the complaints people had about other online payment systems and we’ve used those complaints to create what we believe is the best e-currency available anywhere,” said Peter Takac, CEO of Numox Ltd. “By simply looking at a few of our features, people can see why NUMOX is a true contender in the e-currency industry.”

A few of the NUMOX highlights include:

- Always 100% backed by gold and risk-free financial securities
- Fully offshore operated
- Global payment system and real-time electronic currency in one
- Instant and irreversible multi-currency transactions (no more fraud or chargebacks)
- No fees – users can choose who pays the fees
- Send money to anyone with an e-mail address
- Escrow service, Mass payments, Request payments
- Mini-payments – minimum transfer only $0.01
- Fast and easy integration into already existing websites and scripts
- All countries accepted
- No more blocked or frozen accounts
- Coming Soon: NUMOX debit cards

To sign up for a free NUMOX account, please visit:

About NUMOX:

NUMOX is a global payment system combined with electronic currency facilities, issued and operated by Numox Ltd., a Seychelles corporation. The value of NUMOX and all funds circulated in the NUMOX system are always 100% backed by gold, other precious metals and different risk-free financial securities. NUMOX sets a new standard in online payments thus replacing traditional online banking. NUMOX account based payment system enables people to use NUMOX as electronic money.

NUMOX certified exchangers offer multiple funding and withdrawal methods including: Wire transfer, Western Union, MoneyGram, Bank deposit, IBAN Europe, US and Canada Post Money Order, Australia Post Shop, e-gold, e-bullion, Liberty Reserve and Pecunix.

Numox Ltd. is a legally registered entity of the Republic of Seychelles, registered on 17 of July 2006 with company number 029556. NUMOX and are entirely owned and operated by Numox Ltd.

Open NUMOX account

PTC Sites

-> Paid to Click (but what?)
Probably you already know what is a PTC (sometimes called PTR - Paid to Read Site) site. If you don't here is a definition you will find in many PTC sites:

"At ---.---, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends. You'll get paid $0.01 for each website you personally view and $0.01 for each website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through AlertPay/Paypal. The minimum payout is $10.00."

(default description from the clone script)

A very simple definition: click some links (ads), earn money.

PTC sites are "make money online" programs. A PTC can be considered as a low risk program because it is not required to invest. But if you are not careful you can lose, of course, lots of money.

Here is Paid PTC sites :
Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $1.5 via LR
Been Paid : 2x
Join NOW

2. DONKEY MAILS (AURORA, PTP, PTSU, other) No Minimum Payout
Per click : $0.0001-$0.001
Per sign up : $0.1
CPM : $0.8 CPM
Refferal : 5 Level (5%/4%/3%/2%/1%)
Payout : No Mininum by EGold, $0.1 by AlterGold, $1.01 by AlertPay, $1 by LR, $1 by PP
Been Paid : 1x
Join NOW

3. IP Community (PTC)

Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $10 by PayPal
Been Paid : 1x
Join NOW

4. NeoBux (PTC) (Instant Payment)

Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $2 by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : 3x
Join NOW

5. DollarBux (PTC and PTSU) (Instant Payment)
Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $10 by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : Not Yet
Join NOW

6. PTCNation (PTC) (Instant Payment)
PTCNation - Control your financial destiny!
Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $? by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : Not Yet (Stiil Prelaunch)
Join NOW

7. BuxOut (PTC) (Instant Payment)

Per click : $0.01
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $5 by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : 1x
Join NOW

8. FeelBux (PTC)

Per click : $0.0125
Per ref click : $0.007
Payout : $5 by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : 1x
Join NOW

9. Clickers Corner (Aurora, PTP, PTSU, Traffic Exhange)

Per click : $0.001-$0.002
Per Sign up : $0.05-$0.1
Payout : $0.1 by LR, $1.01 by AlertPay
Been Paid : 6x
Join NOW

12. PP Clix (PTC) (INSTANT Payment)

Per click : $0.1
Per ref click : $0.005
Payout : $5 by PayPal and AlertPay
Been Paid : Not Yet
Join NOW

11. Klik Rupiah
Per click : Rp 100
Per ref click : Rp 50
Payout : Rp 50000 by Bank BCA and Bank Mandiri
Been Paid : Not Yet
Join Now

This is probably the crunch! The most important thing you will need to know about PTC sites!

What is sustainability?

"Sustainability is a characteristic of a process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely." (wikipedia)

In PTC terms, when a site is sustainable, that means this program can live even and for years. PTC sites charging less money than paying are unsustainable and cannot live forever.

Grossly unsustainable sites are scams.

Sites paying $100 per click, even they are charging more, are scams too. Usually you will receive per each click $0.001$ - $0.01 (standard member), with the very sustainable sites to pay you $0.0025 - $0.005. Sites paying more than $0.005 per ref click (std member) are unsustainable no matter what the advertising rates are or who the owner is. Such sites usually will survive for less than a year (usually 4-10 months), or will change their TOS (very long payment delays etc)

But how can I understand if a site is sustainable?
It is not difficult. You'll need the (user) rate per click, the referral rate per click (std member) and the amount of money site charges advertisers per 1000 clicks. A simple calculation will help you to find if site is sustainable or not:

User rate (per click) + Referral rate (per click) = The amount of money site pays to its members.

Site earnings = Revenues from advertisers - The amount of money site pays to its members.

Example 1: theClickers
Site pays $0.0025 per click and $0.001 per referral click.
The amount of money site pays to its members is: $0.0035 per click (or $3.5/1000 clicks)
Charges: $0.005 per click (or $5/1000 clicks)
Site earnings =$1.5/1000 clicks
Site is sustainable.

Example 2: Zubux
Site pays $0.01 per click and $0.005 per referral click.
The amount of money site pays to its members is: $0.015 per click (or $15/1000 clicks)
Charges: $0.005 per click (or $5/1000 clicks)
Site earnings =-$10/1000 clicks
Site is unsustainable.
And now the question is: "How owner earns money?" The answer is simple: Site is based on premium memberships and referral packs sales. Of course a PTC can have and some banner/text ads, but this is not enough.
Sites charging less money than pay, are ponzi schemes and selling bot referrals in order to survive. A bot referral is not a human. But a robot which will click a few ads and then stop. As a result, you'll not get back the money you invested.
It is not recommended to invest in such sites. Remember that bot sellers are blacklisted by advertisers. It is common sense that advertisers are looking for humans only. No advertisers for a PTC means, no revenue and site will close soon.
Sites losing more than $12-$14 are scams and will live for a couple of weeks only.

New PTC Websites: Its not possible to avoid all scams but there are a few tips to avoid most scams.

Now let me make a brief review on these tips.

1. Avoid Sites with Free Hosts and Free Domains

Explanation: A lot of new site pop up with a free hosts like webspacemania, 000webhost etc. and free domains like,, etc. All such sites should be avoided.
Reason: When the owner cant invest a few bucks in getting a good Hosting and a good Domain Name, how do you expect such a person to pay you for a long time.
Best Example: ExcellentBux which started off with a free host and ultimately turned out a scam

2. Avoid Sites with the Default Design

Explanation: Every script has their own default design. For example: YourOwnBux scripts have a white layout and adbux script has a greyish layout and so on and on and on.
Reason: Well, if a user doesnt have his own creativity to get a good design or atleast cannot pay someone to make his site unique what confirmation do you get to say that they will pay you for a long while Wink
Best Example:, still the same old YOB script and design and yet a scam.

3. No Forum? No Support? Not Trusted!!!

Explanation: A new PTC doesnt have a forum or any other means of Support System other than the contact page? Such sites a least trusted.
Reason: This clearly states that the owner doesnt want to interact with his users and attend their technical/any kind of problem with their site, you can never expect him/her to be hanging around for a long while. And you will have the least chances of getting paid.
Best Example:, no forum, no news, no payments Tongue

4. Bugs Found? No Improvement? No Payment

Explanation: Generally pre-made scripts like the clone and YourOwnBux has built in bugs in them. Found any bug in the script, the most found bug Referral Bug. Verify it with someone who has already signed up before you if the site has a referral bug or not and then you can try your luck.
Reason: When the site owner cant fix a small bug or cant hire a coder to fix a minor bug, how can he afford to pay its users or can fix a Payment Bug or Referral Purchase Bug and ultimately you will be the loser.

5. Default TOS/FAQ/Privacy Policy, Default Payments=No Payments Tongue

Explanation: Read the TOS/FAQ/Privacy Policy before joining a site. Scams generally dont update them since they are lazy. You should avoid them
Reason: A lazy owner to update a few details will surely be lazy to pay the site's users or add referrals or premium membership or respond to a Support Ticket. So, what is it now? A scam Wink

6. The Figures, Do they add up?

Explanation: Sustainability in a site is a key factor in the success or failure of a PTC site. Without the ability for the site to be sustainable on the sale of advertising alone, the site is classified as a Ponzi Scheme. Ponzi Schemes are programs which function based solely on the sale of upgrades and referrals, once the referrals and upgrade sales stop, the payments stop too. That is why it is key to making sure the site is sustainable.
Reason: For example if a site pays $0.01 per click then the maximum amount of money they would have to pay to people for a 1000 click ad is $20 ($10 from the person clicking plus $10 for referral clicks). If what they are selling 1,000 click ad's for only say $8 then they are making a $12 loss per 1,000 click ad someone buys. It should be noted that sustainability through pricing applies mainly to bux-style scripts. Also it is important to know the number of the self sponsored ads. Many sites (example: 07bux) are running with 100% self sponsored ads. That means lack of advertisers and site has to be based only in referral packs and upgrades. Aurora's are a different and more successful business model.
Best Example: icashout

As stated earlier, in order for the site to be able to pay people, these loses must be made up elsewhere, in order to create a profit. PTC sites often due this through the sale of referrals and upgrades. When the sale of these run out, the payments will be delayed or in most cases, stopped, leaving the users in the cold.

Well, these are a few tips I can recommend you guys to help you avoid New Scams. More Will be added as I get them in my mind so do check back regularly. But this is doesnt mean all the other sites are legit. Since we have great example around like VelocityClicks which had all these and yet scammed. So, PTC is always a risky business its upto your decision at the end if you want to Join, Invest or Promote a New PTC site Smiley

Good Luck and Happy Earnings Smiley

Referrals (or downlines) is the biggest way to make money on GPT sites. The more referrals you have, the more money you will make. The main is problem is that you have to find referrals that will be active. You can have 100 referrals but if only 2 or 3 are active, you might as well say you only have 3 referrals. I am going to give you some ways to get referrals and then I will tell you how to try and keep them active.

Click Advertising

Place an advert with your referral link on other paid to click sites. Shop around... don't pay $10 for 1000 views, most Aurora sites will charge much less. I am currently paying 30 cents for 1000 clicks. New paid to read sites (ptr) are eager to get new advertisers, so they will offer you very good rates.

Similarly, ensure that the website you are advertising on has sufficient membership. There is no point in advertising if the site is so new that you will be targeting only 20 people! Similarly a site with over 20,000 members... your advert is likely to get lost with so many adverts to click on!

Downline Builder

This is the best and easiest way to get referrals. Yes, i know that with DB you will only get one referral, but there’s plenty of PTC-forums that has a Downline Builder section. If the site is new and you are enough fast to be first you can get 5-10 referrals for FREE! Most of them will be active, as they will want to build their own downlines and earn money themselves!

Referral Exchange

In many ways this is the easiest way to get downlines. There are a lot of forums that have referral exchange sections. The system is easy. You offer to become a downline in someone elses ptc site, in exchange for them becoming a downline in yours. This exchange will almost guarantee you active downlines. Why? If you are not active, your downlines will not be active! Also, a lot of these forums have a complaints section for inactive referrals.

The downside in all of this, if you have 20 downlines through a referral exchange, you have to be active in 21 sites, clicking daily. My opinion is that you should not have more than 10 referrals, and, you should be choosing and only agreeing to exchange sites that you want to click in. There is no point in agreeing to click in a site that is clearly a scam!

Banner/Referral Link in signature.

Become active in a ptc or moneymaking forum. Forums are an excellent place to discuss and discover new ptc programs. They are also the best source of information when ptc sites stop paying their members and become scam! This is not the most effective way to get referrals, but this will not cost you anything and you can always get at least 1-2 referrals.

Guaranteed Signups!

Ptc sites will always offer signups for you. You pay about $6.99 for 5 downlines. In my experience. These downlines are nearly always ineffective. You might get one that actually clicks! If the site offers to exchange non-clicking downlines, then it might be worth investing!

I have experimented with paid signups from PTR sites. They charge $10 dollars for 25 guaranteed signups. Again do not bother. Most people get paid to sign up, and then do not bother being active!

Here is a list of effective ways to gain referrals:

Tell your friends and family
Include your refferal link in your email signature
Post your referral link in your signature if you are apart of any forums (only if it is allowed)
Make or join a group (yahoo or google) and tell people about making free cash
Answer questions on yahoo (Yahoo Answers) that pertain to making free money
Join Social Networking sites and spread the word
Use free advertising forums
Make a blog or website with your referrals links in it and write about the gpt sites you are apart of
Advertise on PTC (paid to click) sites. They are tying to make money and will see a better opportunity to make even more. (I will give you one site in particular to advertise on. You can pay or you can earn the money and then use that to advertise.